Yelly Writes

Movie Quote – Must Love Dogs

I’ve always laughed at this quote from Must Love Dogs. Lately it’s resonated for a different reason. Because I’ve actually found myself eating chicken over the sink! Ah the glamourous stylings of living alone!

I remembered the quote today because of a documentary I watched on Netflix – Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food. It’s just underlined the importance of food safety and being clean in the kitchen. If anything, I’m particularly thankful for my ex’s hyper-vigilance about being desperately clean when working with raw meats in the kitchen, in particular, chicken. I’m particularly fussy about washing fruit and veg, but I think being particularly aware about cross-contamination when dealing food has kept me safe in terms of food poisoning. That’s probably a whole other post in itself.

What are your food/produce washing habits like?

Yelly Writes

TV quotes – Sweet Magnolias

I love a TV binge and I’ve just finished the last installment of Sweet Magnolias. I always feel like I watch too much TV because as soon as I finish a series I go “Now what?”

I enjoyed Sweet Magnolias because it was based on a series of books by Sherryl Woods, who was an author I read when I was in college (university for everyone in the UK). I used to devour romance novels and Sherryl Woods was one of my favourite authors (together with Sandra Brown, Julia Quinn, Judith McNaught, Teresa Medeiros…I could name so many more, to be completely honest!). I sometimes think my hopelessly unrealistic romantic tendencies can be traced to my romance novel addiction!

I posted this quote on my Instagram (follow me? I’m @yellywelly on most socials!) stories a few days ago because it struck a chord. I’m finding that a lot of things strike chords in me these days. Maybe because I’ve stopped ignoring the things that resonate. Or maybe because I’ve become decidedly sappy these days!

I’m waiting for the next few Virgin River episodes to drop (I think they’re meant to start airing on Netflix in the fall)…what’s on your watch list? Recommendations VERY welcome!