Yelly News

UPDATE: Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Just read!

I’ve just finished reading the Daughters of the Dragon! It was quite a good read, as far as I’m concerned anyway.

The full title is Daughters of the Dragon: A Comfort Woman’s Story.

I found myself struggling to put it down and there were several nights where I’d look up only to discover that it was past 1AM and telling myself I was “just going to finish this chapter.”

I’m going to read the next book in William Andrews’ Dragon trilogy The Dragon Queen next!

Sad family news

It is with great sadness that I share with you our news.

Our dearest Tita Margie has now joined the Lord, our Lolo Osiong, Lola Gening, Uncle Magni, Uncle Franklin and Uncle Wawell. She passed away quietly in her sleep on Thursday, 27 May 2021.

We are comforted in the knowledge that she is now no longer in pain, is healthy and whole and with God. We love you Tita Marge. Always and forever.

I’m sure my siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews join me in saying that we have all grown up all the better because of all the things you’ve taught us. Your love for your family was in everything you did, in every thought, every deed, every word and every stitch.

Poll! Quick fire opinions!

What I’m watching

I’ve been watching a lot of Pretty Little Liars lately. I started watching it when it started but lost my place because I couldn’t actually get into the story. I guess I was in a different headspace then. I’m thankful that BBC iPlayer has made the entire seven series available to watch! I’ve actually finished it but I’ve been “rewatching” episodes.

The next thing on my list to watch is probably the spin off – Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists. Has anyone seen it and is it worth watching?

Your thoughts please!

I’m fully vaccinated!

Calvary Road Pharmacy

I’ve had my jabs – both of them!

4 thoughts on “Yelly News”

  1. First off, I’m sorry for your loss. Second, congratulations on getting fully vaccinated! 🙂 I’ve yet to get my shot. Still waiting for my turn.

    1. Awww bless! Thank you Liz! My mum and siblings have gotten their second doses so hopefully you get yours soon!

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Penny for your thoughts!

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