Yelly Writes

Word Of The Year

Flourish to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment…because now that I’m growing where I’ve been transplanted, it’s time to grow into health

I think I’d decided on my word for the year for 2024 in 2022 but I hadn’t realised how appropriate it was for where I am right now.. I know I’ve still got lessons to learn, changes to make and ways to travel. I can recognise the face in the mirror..and it’s time to get back to growing into the person I was meant to be. 

My word for 2024 is FLOURISH. To flourish is to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment.  This year I’m going to work on growing where I’ve been transplanted. It’s time for ME to flourish.

Yelly Writes

The mania that is Monday

So I saw a share-worthy post from Words of Women on instagram and read this to myself this morning and told myself that this was going to be my mantra this week (bearing in mind that I was recovering from being off sick for two days – Thursday and Friday – and burning my wrist earlier last week).  It was a big ask but I needed to psyche myself into accepting all the possible challenges that Monday would most-definitely bring. 

It was most certainly a brilliant reminder of how my life was more than glass-half-full.  My cup was brimming over.  Yeah, I am going through a difficult time, personally and mentally.  But I am still here, I am waking up each morning and finding a reason to smile, I am living in the country I’ve always wanted to live in and I am loved by the most amazing man.

You have to start believing that your morning commute is fun and exciting.  That your apartment is perfect for the stage you’re in right now.  That your partner is the one you always dreamed of.  That every coffee you have is just right and every dinner you eat out is a treat.  That every time you look in your closet there’s a ton of amazing clothes you bought for yourself because you’re now a badass, stylish woman.  This is the grown up life you always dreamed of.  Look at you!  Think of what your 13-year- old self would think about where you are.  She was once dreaming for this life.  Now start appreciating it.


But Monday had another plan for me.  It just went with an almighty whoosh.  It was so crazy busy that when I looked up next, it was time to put my cup in the dishwasher (or wash it, as I ended up doing because the dishwasher was full anyway) and shut down my computer.  If you held a gun to my head and asked me to tell you what I did today, I wouldn’t be able to do that without looking at my to-do list. 

I’m going to start over tomorrow.  Hopefully the day goes on a steadier, slower pace and I can actually appreciate the time I have!  Here’s to hoping!

Good night all!❤️