Yelly Writes

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should…

Reading between the lines is a lost art form these days, and to be able to read between the lines you need to hear what isn’t being said. I feel that you can’t hear what’s being said if you’re only listening to find out how to position your response for maximum impact. 

It makes me wonder, if you’re listening to react, is that a trauma response? 

I’ve always been told to think before you speak. To count to 10 before you say something. I know first-hand that expressing opinions or saying the first thing that comes out of your mouth is a slippery slope and once you say the words, you can’t take it back. You can try a retraction, but it never actually really works. It’s like trying to recall an email – it never properly works, especially if the email you’re trying to recall was sent to someone outside your next work. I’ve been guilty of running off at the mouth and I guess this is why it is a pet peeve. Because, don’t they say that what you dislike about yourself, you see in others more microscopically?

Also, just because you have something to say doesn’t mean you have to say it.

Yelly Writes

Vaccine Day post-mortem

I got my first jab of the Oxford-AstraZeneca on Monday.

It involved a trip into the Colchester suburbs and finding the vaccination centre was the most challenging part. It was fairly efficient as they did have their list of people who’d signed up for vaccines to check against. They do say not to arrive too early because the vaccination centre I went to was a pharmacy with basically, a consulting room, that they turned into an inoculation room. There were appropriate social distancing measures and a lot of reminders. Of course, not everyone read or followed the suggestions to social distance and that is another post all together!

Calvary Road Pharmacy, Colchester

Today is Day 2 post the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab and I can definitively agree with Her Majesty that the jab (itself) “didn’t hurt at all!” But the list of side effects after the jab that on the Gov.UK website is spot on. There are also leaflets on the Gov.UK website for the specific vaccines. I’ve added the links to the Gov.UK web pages below.

You need to make sure you bring or have the following to hand:

According to the Gov.UK website:

  • Your NHS number
  • A face mask/covering

I had with me (because I worry, over prepare and over pack, most times)

  • My mobile that had a copy of my booking confirmation number and confirmation texts
  • Hygiene kit which included: disposable face masks, hand wipes. and hand sanitiser.
  • My passport, in case I need to show ID.

I felt really unwell about 12 hours after the jab, headachy, muscle aches, joint aches (I was feeling every single second of my 44 years let me tell you!) feverish, chills and brain fog/confusion. But yesterday was a better day and whilst I’m still waking up later than usual and waking up to a fuzzy head, I’m feeling a lot better than yesterday. A top tip that I learned from others, if you can, take paracetamol, just before your jab so that the paracetamol is in your system already when the jab comes in and will help with the symptoms as soon as they start hitting. Of course, if you can’t take paracetamol before, take it as soon as possible, after the jab. Expect symptoms as soon as 30 minutes after the jab. A few of my friends in the NHS have even said they got symptoms sooner.

Apparently, you get a card that says you’ve received the 2 vaccinations. I’m not quite sure whether this is given at the first jab and the centre I went to just didn’t have them.

Just sharing and I hope this helps!

I’ve posted long and rambling video updates on my IGTV, if you’re interested in looking and listening to me ramble about my vaccination experience!

Yelly Writes

I get why they made moats!

I’m trying to avoid filling this particular blog post with clichés.  Because I’ve always tried to treat people with kindness.  But, sometimes, following the Golden Rule is a lonely path.  Because not everyone shares or understands your journey (if you do follow the Golden Rule, that is).  In these modern times, most people are selfish and they are out to look out for only themselves, because in this day and age, everyone jockeys for position, wanting to be first, wanting to be in pole position.

Sadly, I’ve come to the conclusion that treating everyone with kindness is not always the right thing to do.  Because some people don’t deserve the kindness.  Some people will take what’s freely offered without thought of giving back.

But that’s okay.  Things have a way of coming back.  Karma is a lovely equaliser.  I see the wisdom of burning bridges.  There was a reason why people built moats around their castles!